A versatile composer, pianist, conductor and arranger, Morton Gould wrote music of many kinds, often with direct American relevance (particularly his lighter music).

Stage and Orchestral Music

Gould’s ballet Fall River Legend is based on the story of Lizzie Borden and her parricidal activities. His Jekyll and Hyde Variations explore the split personality of the good Edinburgh doctor. Among his most popular works is American Salute, which uses the tune When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Foster Gallery uses 13 tunes by Stephen Foster in a continuous medley, while American Ballads again uses familiar American material.

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Waiting for Benny (J. Herve) (recording excerpts) (from Naxos 8.573032)
Waiting for Benny (J. Herve) (recording excerpts) (from Naxos 8.573032)
Composers: Bartok, Bela -- Bernstein, Leonard -- Gershwin, George -- Gould, Morton -- Poulenc, Francis -- Stravinsky, Igor
Artists: Green, Ying Lai -- Herve, Julien -- Lovett, Maud -- Sugitani, Jean-Hisanori
Label/Producer: Naxos Video Footage